sabato 26 settembre 2020

Space News riporta la notizia dell'accordo bilaterale firmato da Italia ed Usa in modo cauto, palesando anche elementi di criticità. Come mai?

Neither NASA nor the Italian space agency ASI announced any specific projects that are part of that cooperative effort. In an Italian-language statement, Giorgio Saccoccia, president of ASI, said subsequent “implementation agreements” would specify details of that cooperation. That statement noted ASI’s interest in supply crew habitats, lunar surface scientific investigations and telecommunications services.

An Italian publican reported that Italy was planning to invest more than 1 billion euros ($1.2 billion) but it wasn’t clear if that total included previous commitments by the Italian government to European Space Agency exploration programs or new Italian investment in Artemis-related programs."

Quanto sopra è un passo significativo dell' articolo di Space News sul recente accordo bilaterale sullo spazio siglato  il 285 settembre 2020.

Non appare certo estremamente positivo come gli unnemerevoli articoli della stampa italiana dedicati all'argomento.

Come mai ? 

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